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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Value Via Email

Building up an email list is an essential part of any internet marketing business. Not only does it enable you to keep in touch with your customers, it also gives you a ready made audience to promote your business to. If you think about the email lists you have signed up to in the past, you’ll notice they all have one thing in common – and that’s value. No matter what the subject is or who sends it, they must all have value otherwise you wouldn’t have signed up in the first place. Making sure your own email list receives value from you is therefore of paramount importance if you want to make sure your subscribers don’t start disappearing on you. Remember, happy subscribers are much more likely to spend money with you.

You can add value in lots of ways, but one good method is to offer a free email course

Choose a subject that is relevant to your website and create a short course of articles on that subject. Each part would then be sent to your subscribers in a separate email. It’s important to remember that you don’t necessarily have to promote anything in these emails; in fact it’s often better if you don’t. But you should make sure you provide a link back to your website in every part of the course as this will encourage people to visit and have a look at what else you have to offer.The key word here is value. You need to offer valuable and useful information in every email in order to get the best response possible for your mailings. Keep them reasonably short but pack in as much as you can and edit out anything that doesn’t need to be there. Focus on keeping your email subscribers happy and your internet business will benefit enormously as a result.

Sean Rasmussen
Internet Marketing Blog © 2007 - 2008

1 comment:

Kang Boim said... hopping here, nice blog...